The role of Krantiguru Lahuji Salve in the education of untouchable societies-

                                                                 -Dr. Raj Taderao


          The 19th century is considered to be the century of social and religious reforms in the history of India. Especially due to the British policy, reformist ideas were emerging in the youth of Maharashtra. The board of social reformers that was formed to carry out these reforms in the Pune area. In it, Lahuji Salve has to be mentioned first. Because in Indian society, untouchables and women were forbidden to get education. As a result, the condition of both women and the untouchables was deplorable. The condition of women, especially in the untouchable society, was one of slavery. But during the British rule, the doors of education were opened for the lower castes and the untouchables, which helped in the social expansion of education. But according to the infiltration theory put forward by the British, education was limited to the upper castes without reaching the general public. During this time some Christian missionaries taught. But this education did not reach the lower castes and untouchables. At this time, for the first time, Mahatma Jotirao Phule gave priority to the education of girls. Lahuji Salve also plays an important role in this work.

            The British rule in India had brought about a lot of changes. In such a situation, Lahuji Salve had taken up the cause of education for the overall development of Indian women and untouchables. But they were finding it difficult to do so. At that time, Jotirao Phule was the only option in front of Lahuji Salve. Because Jotirao Phule, a well-educated and progressive thinker, was taking lessons in wrestling and military education under the tutelage of Lahuji Salve. On this occasion, Lahuji Salve told Jotirao Phule that due to lack of education in Indian women and untouchable society, ignorance and superstition are deeply ingrained. So education is the only way to get rid of this ignorance. ' So we should take the initiative for this workThus Lahuji Salve not only inspired Jotirao Phule for women's education but promised to co-operate with all of them and similarly traveled all over Pune and helped Jotirao Phule to set up schools for women's education in the early days.

Jotirao Phule started a girl's school in August, 1948 at Tatya Bhide's mansion in Pune. This is the first school set up by a native for the education of a girl. The school started with the admission of four Brahmins and two Bahujan girls. For this, Lahuji Salve, Sadashivrao Gowande and Sakharam Paranjape were instrumental. Later, Lahuji Salve drew Jotirao Phule's attention to the education of the untouchable community. Accordingly, a school for untouchable boys and girls was established in 1852. Education is very important for the overall development of untouchable brothers like Indian women. Lahuji Salve was aware of this. Therefore, he drew Jotirao Phule's attention to the education of the untouchables and strongly supported his educational work.

Untouchables should have the right to education. For this, Lahuji Salve encouraged Mahatma Jotirao Phule and brought educational awareness in the untouchable society. Became a broadcaster of the school of untouchability founded by Jotirao Phule, he promoted women's education. Similarly, there was a question of space for an untouchable school. At this time, Lahuji Salve took the initiative by giving space for the first school in his training in Pune. Therefore, for the first few days, the school of untouchables was filled with the training of Lahuji Salve. Some hardworking people in Pune had opposed the educational and social work of Jotirao Phule. At this time, Lahuji Salve took the news of the educational opponents and also encouraged the teachers of Jotirao Phule's school for educational work. Collected donations to get financial help for the school established by Jotirao Phule. Adult education was started by starting night school in his training so that untouchable brothers could learn the alphabet. At this time, teachers in the upper caste community were indifferent about teaching untouchables. Because the pressure of Karmat Sanatani people in Pune had increased on him.At this time, Jotirao Phule, in collaboration with Lahuji Salve, took up the responsibility of educating untouchable boys and girls. Lahuji Salve's contribution was significant.

            The untouchable humanity was on the verge of death due to the oppression of eternity. The self-esteem required for one's own upliftment was not alive in the untouchable society. It is not our destiny to live and get education due to the prevailing norms, due to the intense racist violence of the upper castes and the crazy understanding of pre-existing sins and virtues. With such a feeling, there was a terrible depression in the untouchable society at that time. But due to the egalitarian role of the British and the abolition of untouchability by Lahuji Salve and Jotirao Phule, the untouchables began to understand the importance of education. How important it is for Jotirao Phule to educate the untouchables. He said this from time to time and established many schools for it. "People were reluctant to send their children to school," says Phule. But how Lahuji bin Raghu Raut Mang and Ranba Mahar have benefited from education. We explained this to our caste and prepared to send their children to school. ' Because Shudras have not had the right to education in India for thousands of years. Atishudra's condition was very bad. The untouchables were in a state of water scarcity, hunger for food, no one to draw near to, no one to give them water, no good business to share, sweeping, clearing dirt, dragging dead cattle, eating stale and leftover food. Teaching knowledge in such a class was considered a great sin. Then Jotirao Phule decided to improve the society from scratch. Not only did he talk, but he started schools in Mahar, Mang, Chambar and Dhed. Never before had there been an attempt to teach Shudra Atishudra.

Jotirao Phule started the school in an untouchable area and Lahuji Salve and Ranba Mahar provided valuable assistance. But Jotirao's cooperation was not taken into account. Some of Jotirao's colleagues were also members of the Mahar-Mang School Committee. Jotirao's thoughts in this regard were published in the issue of Jnanodaya dated 15 December 1853. When Jotirao established schools for Mahar, Mang, Chambar and Dhed children. At this time, parents were initially trying to send their children to school. But Lahuji Salve created self-esteem in the untouchable community by stating the benefits of education. And protected them from the warriors in his training. Similarly, Jotirao Phule and Savitribai Phule were being persecuted by Karmat Sanatan. The school was threatened with closure. Savitribai had to endure this grief while going to school from home every day. At this time, Lahuji Salve stood firmly behind the Phule couple.

           After Jotirao Phule started school for untouchability, Lahuji Salve and Ranba Gaikwad worked to bring boys and girls to school. The whole focus was on the success of the education movement in the Bahujan Samaj. Lahuji Salve is the untouchable community from which he came forward. Seeing the condition of the Mang, Mahar Dhed and Chambar community, Lahujina felt very bad. Because the children of Mahar, Mang and Charmakar were walking around all day. Similarly, girls did not have the right to education and boys could not go to the schools of all religions started by Jotirao Phule. Therefore, Lahuji Salve and Jotirao Phule were made aware of their educational work and suggested to start a special school for the untouchables in the untouchable neighborhood. Accordingly, Jotirao Phule started the first school for untouchables in 1952. But this time, some hard-working people in Pune felt bad and threatened to close the school. In the same way, the government's ploy is to drown your business by sending your children to school in untouchable neighborhoods. Don't leave your business and send your children to school. ' As a result, many people would take their children out of school and keep them at home due to threats and harassment from the upper class.

Our untouchable brothers should be educated, their fears should be lessened. For this, Lahuji Salve accompanied Ranba Gaikwad in his training to the untouchables and enlightened the untouchables. He told them the benefits of education. Similarly, Lahuji warned the untouchable parents that the welfare of your child as well as your untouchables will be ensured through education. Jotirao Phule has started a school for the welfare of his brothers. So there is no need to be afraid of anyone's threat anymore. In this way, Phule supported his brothers in understanding the noble intentions of the couple and giving them confidence to send their children to school. A large number of children started coming to the school established by Jotirao Phule. So Jotirao Phule had to start two more schools. Lahuji and Ranba Mahar became the preachers of the school and they recruited a large number of children on the school board. Lahuji Salve was a broadcaster of the school of the untouchables. His untiring efforts had greatly increased the number of students in the untouchable school. In this school, Lahuji Salve took the initiative and first sent his brother Shivaji's daughter Ku. Mukta to Jotirao's school. This created a positive atmosphere for women's education in untouchable areas and untouchable girls started getting education with their enthusiasm.

Lahuji Salve emphasized the importance of education to his untouchable brothers. .Lahuji Salve's niece Mukta Salve, a fourth class girl, came up with the idea of ​​eliminating untouchability through her historical essay. Because Mukta Salve was a revolutionary person who received quality education in the school of Mahatma Phule and also in the company of Lahuji Salve. That is why Mukta started her essay with the sentence 'Mang Mahar's grief'. This shows the role of Lahuji Salve in the education of untouchables


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